
February 16th to 21st, 2025, in Tarifa, Spain
Registration (on-site or online) is now open, just go to "INSCRIPTION’ and choose your option.

Important Update

The updated programme can be found here:       https://orcasymposium.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/PROGRAMME-OUTLINE.docx


Event Details

Conference Dates: 16–21 Feb 2025 (The daily programme can be found under the programme tab)

Conference on-site Registration: €45

Online registration: €85

Key Dates:

GUIDED TOURS: for the weekend of 22-24 February.

Visits with specialised guides to the most special places in Tarifa: La Isla de Tarifa, Castillo de Guzman el Bueno, Baelo Claudia…
And above all ….

THE CAVE OF THE KILLER WHALES. A prehistoric cave discovered by the researcher Mario Morcillo in the area of Atlanterra that he found looking for locations to make sightings of killer whales from land. A great find with many curiosities.

Registration will take place at the symposium itself from 17 February 2025.

Abstract Deadline is now closed.


                                                                            VIDEO SESSIONS: 

We are planning for a video session on the last evening (from about 19:00-20:30) before we move on to the dinner and party. We are encouraging you to submit candidates. The video can be anything related to your work in killer whale science and conservation around the world.

They must be short (definitely less than 10 minutes) and of original content. If they have a commentary in a language other than English it would be good to have subtitles or for you to translate at the session itself.

You can indicate your interest by submitting the following information to orcasymposium@circe.info  by 31 January 2025:

  • Descriptive Title
  • Presenter, institution, or workgroup
  • Duration of video
  • Location
  • Summary of content (max, 250 words)
  • Web link to video (if applicable)

We hope to be able to include as many videos as possible and will inform you by 4 February.


                                                                        Online Registration:

Online registration covers exclusive live broadcasting of all the plenary sessions (over 70 talks) and in addition, live broadcasting of those workshops for which you are registered. To assist registered participants in ‘difficult’ time zones, the plenary sessions will be recorded and made available, at least for a few days, for exclusive viewing. Individual workshops will decide if their sessions will be recorded.

The Symposium will bring to together scientists and students from around the world for 5.5 days of discussions on key aspects of orca biology, ecology and conservation. The programme will include smaller Workshops on specific topics (https://orcasymposium.org/workshops/) as well as plenary sessions that will incorporate keynote speakers and a number of 10 minute oral presentations from researchers in the field. In addition to this there will be open poster sessions providing information on the latest research and providing an opportunity for interaction and discussion with an amongst scientists.

Whilst the primary intention is to provide a vehicle for scientists to share results, technical information on techniques and share ideas, there will be one evening session open to the public and press on 19 February at 20:00 where some leading researchers will provide non-technical presentations on the present state of knowledge on orca and the challenges facing them, with the opportunity for questions and discussion.

During the 5.5 days, there will be a number of social and cultural events held around the beautiful city of Tarifa, including a photography exhibition and local school events. We look forward to seeing you in February!

Application for students grants are now closed

***If you registered in 2020 and did not receive a refund, no additional payment is needed. Please re-register and confirm your previous payment using the link below:

Registration Form

If you registered in 2020 and did not receive a refund, no additional payment is needed. Please re-register and confirm your previous payment using the link below:

Registration Form

Unable to attend? Transfer your registration to another attendee.