

We are pleased to announce the call for abstracts for the upcoming Orca Symposium.  We invite submissions of abstracts that highlight innovative research, case studies, and theoretical advances related to orcas.

We invite submissions of abstracts highlighting both established research and innovative studies, case studies and theoretical advances and any other topics of interest related to orcas

Presentation formats:

  • Posters: Unlimited poster presentations are available, with no cap on the number of posters a participant can bring.
  • Oral Presentations: There is also no limit for oral presentations.

Submission guidelines:

  • Abstracts should be no more than 150 words.
  • Include the title, author(s), and affiliation(s).
  • Deadline for submission is 25/11/2024.
  • The final decision will be taken by the organising committee by 3 December at the latest, and authors will be notified immediately.

Please submit your abstracts via the form. And If you don´t have account, you can buy your attendance ticket to the symposium here.


We are excited to receive your submissions and look forward to an engaging and inspiring symposium. Join us in advancing our knowledge and understanding of these magnificent creatures.

Orca Symposium Abstract Submission Form

The time for submitting abstracts has ended. If you experience any issues with the system, please contact the event organizers for assistance.

The deadline for abstract submissions is now closed, and we are thrilled to have received 118 abstracts from researchers worldwide.