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Killer whale tagging: best practices, animal welfare, outcome and future directions

February 18 @ 2:00 pm - February 19 @ 11:00 am

At me of the latest Orca Symposium in 2004, only few killer whales from the North Pacific and Norway had been tagged. Two decades later, the use of transdermal satellite-linked transmitters and mul-sensor suction-cup mounted tags has become common to study killer whale behavior around the world. Tag data have been invaluable in revealing important habitats and previously unknown movement and behavioral paterns. However, tagging presents poten al risks to welfare and survival. Tag applica on may also disrupt natural behavior and was implicated in the death of southern resident killer whale L95 through a fungal infec on that spread from the tagging site to the animal’s vascular system. Yet, behavioral disrup on, wound healing, welfare and survival are seldom, if ever, reported by researchers. With the use of tags likely to increase further, there is a need for a comprehensive review of tagging practices, data output, and poten al adverse effects on tagged killer whales in relation with possible complica ng factors such as initial health condition.

You have to consult with the event organizer:

This workshop aims at gathering researchers previously involved with or interested in conducting killer whale tagging to share their experience and discuss procedures in the field, monitoring techniques, wound healing, poten al adverse effects on animal welfare and
health, tag performance, and outcome and limita ons. Ul mately, the goal is to compile a comprehensive review into a scien fic publica on to allow for future directions applicable globally.

Important Update on Workshop Registration!

Send your mail to:


To streamline the registration process and ensure better management, we have made some important changes:

  1. The workshop registration form has been removed from the website.

  2. Participants must now contact the workshop organizers directly via email to register.

  3. In your registration email, please provide the following basic information:

    • Your full name.

    • Your institution.

    • Your reason for interest in the workshop.

The process has been simplified to ensure better management of participants. This change will allow organizers to manage registrations directly, prioritize participants based on specific criteria, and improve communication with attendees.

Please note that capacity is still limited. Therefore, we encourage you to register as soon as possible to secure your spot.

If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

Workshop registration application

Killer whale tagging: best practices, animal welfare, outcome and future directions.

9 Going
11 remaining

House of Culture

C/ Amor de Dios
Tarifa, Cádiz 11380 Spain