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Events from this organizer

Orca Health with a focus on Strandings and Rescue Strategies

House of Culture C/ Amor de Dios, Tarifa, Cádiz, Spain

Orca Health with a focus on Strandings and Rescue Strategies February 16 You have to consult with the event organizer: Hosted by: Manuel Arbelo, Antonio Fernández, Carolina Fernández-Maldonado (seashore.ef@gmail.com ), Joanne Halliday, Ingrid Visser (ingrid@orca.org.nz) This workshop on orca health will focus on techniques and protocols associated with live and dead strandings including rescue approaches, […]

RSVP Now Free 13 spots left

The V International Symposium on Orcas

Teatro Municipal Alameda Paseo de la Alameda, 9003, Tarifa, Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain

The V International Symposium on Orcas February 17 @ 9:00 am - February 21 @ 6:00 pm Tickets The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities. Online standard ticket Este billete le da […]

North Atlantic Orcas

House of Culture C/ Amor de Dios, Tarifa, Cádiz, Spain

North Atlantic Orcas February 17 @ 9:00 am - February 21 @ 6:00 pm Hosted by Fernando Ugarte and Filipa Samarra, this workshop is meant primarily for scientists already working with killer whales in the North Atlantic and will focus on improving the collaboration and sharing of data. Without going in depth into specific topics, […]

RSVP Now Free 10 spots left

Killer whale tagging: best practices, animal welfare, outcome and future directions

House of Culture C/ Amor de Dios, Tarifa, Cádiz, Spain

Killer whale tagging: best practices, animal welfare, outcome and future directions February 21 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm At me of the latest Orca Symposium in 2004, only few killer whales from the North Pacific and Norway had been tagged. Two decades later, the use of transdermal satellite-linked transmitters and mul-sensor suction-cup mounted tags […]

RSVP Now Free 11 spots left

Photo-identification 50 years later: Where we are and where we are going

House of Culture C/ Amor de Dios, Tarifa, Cádiz, Spain

Photo-identification 50 years later: Where we are and where we are going February 22 Facilitator: Jared Towers ( jrtowers@gmail.com) Co-facilitator: Eve Jourdain (evejourdain@yahoo.fr) Photo-identification has been used for research of killer whales since the early 1970s. In 2004, when the last orca symposium was held, researchers using photo-identification were in the initial stages of transitioning from […]


House of Culture C/ Amor de Dios, Tarifa, Cádiz, Spain

Genetics February 20 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm At the time of the last orca symposium, the decade-long first human genome project was not yet complete. Killer whales were then typically studied using mitochondrial D-loop sequences and genotypes at microsatellites. The majority of studies were population- or region-specific. Genetic studies of killer whales, like […]

RSVP Now Free 17 spots left