
Inscriptions / Abstracts​

The symposium will include oral presentations, poster sessions, and interactive workshops. Participants will discuss the latest research on killer whales, their prey, social behaviors, conservation, and environmental factors.

Abstract Submission

Types of Attendees

Registration Fees

Join us for the V International Symposium on Orcas from February 16th to 22nd, 2025 in Tarifa, Strait of Gibraltar, Cádiz, Andalucía, Spain. This event invites all researchers studying orcas.

The registration fees are unchanged from 2020. If you have already registered, no additional payment is required. However, please re-register and confirm your payment using the form below.

The price per participant is €45.

Note: Submissions are accepted until two months before the deadline. All entries are welcomed, but if there are time constraints, the most interesting ones will be prioritized based on the criteria of the scientific committee.

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